Theoretical and methodological bases of research in cross border cooperation

Agrarian Economy 20176 T. 9 № 3-4:3-8

Theoretical and methodological bases of research in cross border cooperation

G. Cherewko, doctor of economics.
Lviv National Agrarian Uniwersity, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
О. Bentsak, senior enior enior lecturer ecturer ecturer
Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts,
А. Ivanov, candidate of economic sciences
Lviv National University of Veterinary and Biotechnologies after V.Gzhyckyy


The main results of the study the needs, understanding of the nature, content, appropriateness and efficiency of cross-border cooperation of Ukraine in general and its regions in particular on its way to European integration in the context of implementation the concept of balanced development of regions especially rural ones located in the border territory, taking into account already existing experience both in Ukraine and other countries are presented. Three basic documents of cross-border cooperation in Europe were analyzed. Cross-border coopera-tion is seen as a special case of international cooperation that takes place between neighboring border regions of different countries as well as a response to intensive globalization which creates more favorable conditions for intensification of cross-border cooperation in the economic sphere. The basis of cross-border cooperation is cross-border ties in economy, politics, culture, education, environment and demographics emerging within a defined cross-border space. Accordingly, the effectiveness of cross-border cooperation is recommended to ana-lyze in the cultural, social, economic and political dimensions through the appropriate added value and all members of this partnership, namely businesses, employees, territories and the states.


cross-border cooperation, economy, research, theory and methodology



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