Methods of the efficiency of rapeseed for energy purposes determining growing

Agrarian Economy 20176 T. 9 № 3-4:9-18

Methods of the efficiency of rapeseed for energy purposes determining growing

Yu. Dubnevych, candidate of economic sciences,
D. Cherewko, candidate of economic sciences,
Lviv National Agrarian University


More and more limited economy of Ukraine in conventional energy resources forces to seek solutions of such problems through alternative energy sources. Most real now look to be such as the production of biofuels – bio-diesel and bioethanol as a substitute for traditional diesel fuel and gasoline. However, while biodiesel produc-tion is uneconomical compared to diesel oil we can observe the negative impact of that on the effectiveness of cultivation of rapeseed for the production of biodiesel. Among others, there is also the problem of adequate as-sessment of effectiveness – methods of calculation should take into account all aspects – environmental, social, energy, economic and others, as well as all potential beneficiaries of this process – those growing of rape, those who recycles, those who uses biodiesel and effect for the respective areas and the effect of the state as a whole. So there is the sense to concider the rape growing for energy needs efficiency through the efficiency of biodiesel production and use.


rape, biodiesel, efficiency, methods



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