Structural changes in grain production: regional aspect

Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 3-4:53-60

Structural changes in grain production: regional aspect

V. Lyphuk, doctor of economics,
Д. Malakhovkyy, candidate of economic sciences
Lviv National Agrarian University


There are presented some socioeconomic and strategic meaning of grain industry in the agroindustrial complex of our country. The study is based on global factors of food safety formation. In the article it is evaluated some dynamic trends and structural changes of the cereals production in Lviv region. It is carried out the analysis of the main parameters of the grain production industry in different categories of the farms in the region. In the article there are explored some main tendencies and transformational change of the grain production in the re-gion which are caused by global processes of the grain market development. It is determined the influence of price changes as one of the key factor of the impact on expanding acreage of crops on farms in the region. Tak-ing into account the external factors in the development of the grain market there are generalized theoretical aspects of the grain farming development in Lviv region.


food safety, cereals, grain production, grain market, agricultural holding, farmstead, farms



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