Increase efficiency of resources potential a small business in agriculture

Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 3-4:104-108

Increase efficiency of resources potential a small business in agriculture

А. Zheleznyak, candidate of economic sciences
Lviv National Agrarian University


The objective of the study is the results of research perspectives of resource management of small business in agriculture. Characterized a main types of small businesses in agriculture. The basic types of resources related to the imple-mentation of production processes in agriculture. Highlight the concept of resource potential in agriculture. Overview basic research sustainable agriculture aimed at improving the efficiency of enterprise resources. The basic mechanisms were proposed of achieving a balance between social, environmental expenses at cost-effective economic activities of small enterprises. The scientific novelty of the research is the further development of scientific approaches for the effective man-agement of resource potential small businesses through sustainable development. The practical significance of the results of this study is that their implementation will small businesses receive additional income from the use of resources by phased implementation of sustainable development in the enter-prise management system.


resources, agriculture, small businesses, resource potential, sustainable development



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