Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 3-4:106-111

Economic aspects of competitiveness maintenance in agricultural firms

V. Skupeyko, candidate of economic sciences

Lviv University of Business and Law


The paper justifies the need to investigate economic aspects of competitiveness maintenance in terms of agri-cultural firms. It also studies the phases of resource potential reproduction. Furthermore, labor potential is defined as a key element for the competitiveness of agricultural firms. The author offers to implement a plan-ning model for the enterprises in agricultural sector with regard to their business activities. As well, the pa-per substantiates the importance of designing systemic and comprehensive plans for agricultural companies. At last, it suggests employing the tools of an active pricing strategy.


competitiveness of agricultural firms, economic aspects of competitiveness maintenance, extensive growth of a competitive environment, intensive growth of a competitive environment, phases of labor potential repro-duction, investment policy



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