Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 3-4:133-140

Moratorium abolition: between Scylla and Charybdis

V. Mahas, candidate of economic sciences

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


The abolition of the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land is the final stage in the distributive land re-form implemented in Ukraine. So far, none of the declared goals of agrarian reform have been achieved. Its main result is formation of economically inefficient landowners. The vast majority of them are not only una-ble to use the land efficiently, but also to provide control over its use by the tenants. This created ideal pre-conditions for large-scale redistribution and concentration of agricultural land in Ukraine. The reason lies in the extremely high level of competition among potential land sellers and the same extremely high level of concentration of capital and lease rights among potential land buyers. Concentration of land tenure is a real threat to national and state interests. Its negative economic, social, political and environmental consequenc-es are already showing up.

Now the dilemma of whether to have or not to have a moratorium on the sale of agricultural land is artificial-ly updated. This is one of the known methods of public opinion manipulating. Instead, the question should be how to get out of the impasse created by a distributive reform with minimal economic, social and political losses. In this context, it is proposed to constitutionally assign the right to purchase agricultural land exclu-sively to natural persons-citizens of Ukraine, establish the upper limit of ownership and use of land, reduce the current level of concentration of rental rights, transfer control over land to the level of local communities etc.


agrarian reform, land reform, agro holding, concentration of land tenure



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