Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 3-4:141-148

Forecasting of export potential of agrarian enterprises of Lviv region and determination of directions of its development

Ya. Yanyshyn, candidate of economic sciences,

І. Lavriv, candidate of economic sciences,

М. Storonskyy, senior teacher

Lviv National Agrarian University


On the basis of statistical data, the volume of export and import of agricultural products by agrarian enter-prises of Lviv region was forecast. As a result of the analysis of the dynamics of exports of agricultural prod-ucts for the period under investigation, it has been established that this indicator tends to increase. Was pro-jected that export growth will take place, but the implementation of such a scenario requires constant sup-port for positive trends. Based on the results of the conducted forecasting, variants of development of export potential of agrarian enterprises are proposed for defining directions of development of both export activity of agrarian enterprises and general development of their entrepreneurship. Were determined that the hori-zontal variant of the development of export potential is aimed at deepening the specialization of the region, the vertical option involves the organization of new or association of existing technologically interconnected productions, and diversified – the unification of heterogeneous production into a single production system. Was determined that all proposed variants should be directed to the development of the European market. It is noted that in order to fully integrate into the European space, the agrarian sector of Ukraine's economy should achieve a high level of organization of agricultural production that would meet modern world and European requirements. In order to achieve this goal, the main priority directions of development.


export potential, agriculture, agrarian sector, agrarian enterprise, agricultural development, export growth, European markets



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