Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 3-4:15-26

Program and methodology of the dissertational investigation «Niche cultures export potential formation in the context of sustainable development of rural areas: theory, methodology, practice»

І. Cherevko, candidate of economic sciences

Lviv national agrarian university


The sustainable development of rural areas must objectively be the main direction of development of the vil-lage and agriculture, therefore searching for ways to implement its concept is always relevant, especially in the dynamic conditions of Ukraine. In the current situation the development of agricultural activity in the direction of growing niche crops increasingly become one of these ways. Niche crops become today a factor, that can give a very energetic impetus to the rural economy so that, on this basis, to develop ecological and social spheres of rural areas in organic combination with the economic sphere development, i.e. – to carry out their sustainable development. Since in the vast majority of cases there is no processing of niche crops in Ukraine, and demand for these products abroad is very high, it is necessary to focus on organizing of the formation of its export potential, what creates a vast field for scientific research of this complex problem. Therefore, on the base of elaboration of existing information about the niche cultures growing in Ukraine and in other countries state and of the base of existing scientific works on this issue as well as on the base of the obtained results generalization, this paper presents the results of the substantiation of the methodology and research program of the problem of export potential of niche crops production products forming as one of the ways of sustainable development of rural areas. Herewith the topicality of the investigating problem, its purpose, task, information base, object of research, the positions of possible scientific novelty and the practical significance of results of investigation, main working hypotheses, research methods and materials used are substantiated, the importance of niche crops growing and the export potential of its products form-ing as a direction of diversification of entrepreneurship in the countryside and as a factor of sustainable development of rural areas is analyzed, the main distinctive criteria of these cultures, as well as both detailed plan and program of investigation are presented.


niche cultures, sustainable development, rural areas, export potential



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