Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 3-4:61-67

Social responsibility of business as a direction to improve social development of agrarian enterprises

H. Syrotyuk, PhD, associate professor

Lviv National Agrarian University


The article describes essence, content and structure of social responsibility of agrarian enterprises business. It is proved that social focus of enterprises is the main instrument to obtain social reputation and market success, and it is a powerful tool to supply a sufficient level of economic security for enterprises, as well as a prospective way of sustainable development. It is stressed that introduction of socially responsible approach in agrarian sector should be reasonably concerned with the interests of local communities, level of employ-ees’ income, peculiarities of the national legislature and financial opportunities of producers, which position themselves as socially focused enterprises. The research defines four levels of estimation of social responsibil-ity conditions: social irresponsibility; low social responsibility; insufficient social responsibility; high social responsibility. The work proves necessity in the state regulation of business social responsibility, defines problems and ways of their solution. The author proposes, along with introduction of the international standards ISO, to develop national standards of social responsibility, which consider peculiarities of busi-ness in Ukraine and are focused on supply of equal conditions for business operation. The research stresses reasonability to approve a National strategy of social responsibility of business in Ukraine, which should clearly fix position of the state in the sphere, supporting improvement of the country’s image, keeping to the concept of sustainable development, adequate treating of the problems of society and environment.


social responsibility of business, sustainable development, agrarian enterprises, state regulation



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