Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 1-2:21-29


R. Nakonechny, cand. Sci.(Phil.),

А. Кopytko, cand. Sci.(Phil.),

Lviv National Agrarian University


Physical economy at the turn of XX–XXI centuries, in terms of a globalized economy is progressively being adopted as an effective alternative to classical political economy and aims at revising the established (con-sumer) views on the relationship of man, society and nature in the course of business. This ideological system involves consideration of economic activities (individual and social) in a broader context, associated with knowledge of the principles of formation and functioning of the natural, social, informational, cultural and spiritual dimensions of human existence and society. It recognizes the effect of natural laws as primary when constructing models of management. In modern physical economy several methodological approaches are formed (above all - thermodynamic and infodynamic) for explanation and understanding of the relationship between men, society and nature, each of which has its strong and weak position, which should be known and considered when implementing in a social economic practice. The aim of this article is to analyze the determi-nant methodological aspects of research of infodynamic and thermodynamic models’ representatives of physi-cal economy, trying to justify their complementarity, not oppositeness or even incompatibility, as it is some-times suggested in modern science. The differences between the two models of physical economy are not as essential to sharply oppose them. After all, human labor, especially physical, can not be productive and energy efficient, without use of the information, intelligence and knowledge.


physical economy, natural laws, thermodynamic approach, infodynamic approach, information, economy, economy model, the noosphere, substance, intelligence, spirituality, morals, values.



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