Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 1-2:57-65


І. Bernatska, candidate of economic sciences

О. Bruch, candidate of economic sciences

М. Pohoretskyy, senior lecturer

Lviv National Agrarian University


The essence, content and the need for tourist sites revitalization development considered, usage of tourist sites efficiency of the studied district have been analyzed, an assessment of foreign investment attraction and investment attractiveness of the tourism industry of studied district have been done, reasonable measures for the control of tourist sites revitalization have been justified. The analysis revealed a number of defects, the removal of which had formed the basis for the development of measures to control the tourist sites revitalization as a tool of foreign investment attraction. As a result of the proposed measures it is expected that tourist sites revitalization of Kamianka-Buskyj district may be one of the most important directions in the development and strengthening of the region economy in particular and the whole country (mostly due to foreign investments), will make a breakthrough in its development and reform by increasing business activity and domestic enterprises support as well as patriotism promotion and raise of the cultural level the population.


revitalization, tourism, tourist sites, foreign investment



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