Agrarian Economy 2017 Т. 10 № 1-2:94-99


N. Stoiko, candidate of economic sciences

О. Stadnytska, candidate of economic sciences

Lviv National Agrarian University


The article argues necessity to determine factors, causing expansion of soil erosion under certain natural and socio-economic conditions of the region. The work presents correlation and regression analysis of anthropo-genic factors effect on progress of erosion processes on agrarian landscapes of Lviv region. It is determined that tilling of lands on 3–7 slopes makes the greatest impact on erosion development. It is proved that the larg-er area of ecologically stabilizing lands (grasslands, pastures, forests, etc.) is provided in the structure of land resources, the lower intensity of erosion processes is observed.


arable land, agricultural land, anthropogenic factor, erosion, correlation and regression analysis, steepness of a slope



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