Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 3-4:68-73

Peculiarities of integrated structures development in agrarian sector of Ukraine’s economy

Yu. Solovei, post graduate
Lviv National Agrarian University


The article studies peculiarities of development of integrated structures in agrarian sector of Ukraine’s econo-my. The author defines essence of integrated structures, determines main forms of them, established by agricul-tural producers. The work describes peculiarities of spreading of vertical and horizontal integration structures, as well as entities with different degree of dependence on managing center (with different degree of management hardness), in agrarian sector of Ukraine. It is argued that in agrarian sector of Ukraine, vertical integration prevails over horizontal one and its hard form over direct. The author confirms negative character of such situa-tion. The research argues idea about necessity to correct proportions in development of some kinds of integrated structures in the systems of agrarian production of Ukraine.


agricultural producers, integration, integrated structures, agroholdings, cooperatives



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