Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 3-4:87-96

Evaluation of the influence of investment on financial and economical condition of agricultural enterprises of Ternopil region

S. Onysko, candidate of economic sciences
N. Nechaj, post graduate
Lviv National Agrarian University


This article represents the results of research of the main problems concerning the investment process into the agriculture of Ternopil region. Some of the activity indexes of the agricultural enterprises that have been ana-lyzed point at their profitability level and investment demands. The developed scheme of the investment cycle at the agriculture describes that the renewable own investment sources contribute to the activation and stability of investment circle, but also that the new sources are essential for the improvement and expansion of the enterprise activities. The analyzed capital investment dynamics into the agriculture is positive, but the available amount of these resources don’t fulfill the capital requirements at this sector. The evaluation of the investment climate, also based on the conclusions of the international rating agencies, gain influence on the activity of international investment. The agricultural sector takes the third place at the rating scale based on the research of the volume indexes of primary international investments into the different segments of economics. The operated research concludes that the agriculture of Ternopil region remains one of the most promising in-vestment sectors. Nevertheless the further investment stability and growth are only possible on condition of polit-ical and economical stabilization in the country, creation of cooperation mechanisms of foreign partners and state authorities, preserving and increasing of investment attractiveness of this industrial sector, tax relief, effec-tive insurance system for international investors and risks reduction, decrease of inflation rates, improvement of the international image and information of potential investors.


investments, profitable activities, investment attractiveness, investment climate, source of financing



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