Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 1-2:50-57

Orcharding in Poland and Ukraine in the years 2009–2013

M. Rysz, mgr inż
State Higher Vocational School in Krosno


The aim of the study was to present the process of production, area of planting, the volume export and import of selected species of fruit in Poland and Ukraine. The paper analyzes secondary sources coming from FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) databases from the years between 2009 and 2013 along with the figures from the Central Statistical Offices of Ukraine and Poland. Studies have shown that in the analyzed period, the level of fruit production in Poland and Ukraine has risen, especially in apples and strawberries sectors. The harvest level of pome fruits and stone fruits is higher in Ukraine, with the exception of apples, however the op-posite tendency can be observed in case of berries-bigger harvest in Poland than in Ukraine. Ukraine has an access to a greater area of cultivation of stone fruit than Poland, which turns into a greater productivity per unit area. However, Polish import and export are higher. Ukraine imports more apples than Poland and same time exports more watermelons, as a result of climatic and soil conditions required for growing this kind of species of fruits.


orcharding, fruit, export, import, Poland, Ukraine



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