Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 1-2:89-97

Influence of economic culture is on development of organ-izational structures and business

N. Mykhaljuk, candidate of economic sciences
L. Balash, candidate of economic sciences
G. Hrynyshyn, candidate of economic sciences
О. Binert,
Lviv National Agrarian University


At development of organizational structures in the conditions of market of economy is an enterprise. Than more capable people are brought over to entrepreneurial activity, all material and public resources are used so much the better, the more intensive is development of national economy at economic and cultural level. Perfection of market relations requires the increase of efficiency of production of introduction of achievements of scientific and technical progress and increase of economic culture from organizational structures. Basis of our researches is a process of development of organizational structures from positions of observance of them internal interests by making healthy of economy of enterprises of increase of economic culture. Working hypothesis: Culture of organizational structure comes into a notice to ethics activity of person. She is the important factor of modern economic relations which depends on that, what place traditional and purchased values and skills will occupy in entrepreneurial activity. An economic culture of organizational structure is the necessary condition of achievement of great economic-commercial success on enterprises. Modern entrepre-neurial activity can be effectively carried out and develop on condition of the proper observance of requirements not only economic but also social-spiritual and political character. But to the concrete actions of businessman economic reality pulls out the no less important criteria of estimation of his activity spiritual character. Ethics of enterprise means realization of economic activity of organizational structure, her guidance, separate business-man in accordance with ethics, idest valued, spiritual, criteria of conduct, social responsible actions in a spirit a that cultural environment which a businessman gravitates to.


economic culture, business, enterprise, standard of culture, organizational structure, entrepreneuri-al activity, development of culture



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