Agrarian Economy 2016 T. 9 № 1-2:106-110

The use creative approaches in the management of agricultural enterprises

М. Parkhuts, аrt. teacher
О. Sinyuk, candidate of economic sciences
Lviv National Agrarian University


In the article the value of creative control to ensure the efficient operation of agricultural enterprises. Estab-lished that Ukraine's economy and its agrarian sector in particular, can be attributed to the second economic waves, according to the wave concept of society, with some elements of a third economic wave. Emphasized that creative management of the enterprise impossible without constant improvement of knowledge as managers, as staff in general. Indicated that agricultural enterprises staff development should be aimed at improving the teaching of the manufacturing process of education and training of employees is implemented through its mod-ern forms and methods. The essence of creative agriculture and its advanced features: recreational, educational, social, ecological and recreational function. Indicated that according to these features start to operate separate farms in Ukraine, based on creative approaches to business management.


creative agriculture, creative management, staff development, human capital, agricultural enterprises



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