Agrarian Economy 2018 Т. 11 № 1-2:54-58

The role and development of property insurance in agriculture: Poland’s experience

E. Ważna, Dr
Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Ekonomiczna
im. ks.Bronisława Markiewicza w Jarosławiu


In the paper an assessment of the general situation prevailing on the market of property insurance in agriculture in 2010–2015 has been made, with due attention for the latest legal regulations. The results of the study of system characteristics and types of property insurance in Poland, their division and the development of insurance-related assets in Polish agriculture are presented. Detailed analyses of the insurance of farmers against civil liability, of the insurance of farm buildings, crops and livestock have been conducted. The weak points of the present insurance system have been indicated, namely: the insufficient knowledge of farmers of the advantages offered by insurance policies, the state’s hastily organized assistance to farmers in crisis situations and a small number of policy holders among farmers in the case of high-risk insurance. It was found that for the time being farmers in Poland almost exclusively use compulsory insurance (buildings and civil liability (OC) of the farmer), and to a small extent use insurance of a voluntary nature of production so far - the main basis for receiving current income Particular attention was paid to the availability of insurance for farmers, the criterion of the decision to purchase property insurance, farmers' interest in insurance and the level of their participation in the system and the criterion of using insurance subsidies. The factors influencing the formation of barriers to the effective functioning and development of the insurance system in the agrarian sector of the economy are determined and the main directions of possible improvement of this system are substantiated. The analysis of statistical data was carried out on the basis of the information contained in the annual and quarterly bulletins of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, statistical yearbooks of the Central Statistical Office and reports from the Budget Law. In order to analyze the legal status, the rules of compulsory insurance were used. During the analysis, the results of the use of descriptive statistics methods, as well as tabular and graphical information representation methods were used.


agriculture, insurance, property insurance, voluntary insurance



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