Agrarian Economy 2018 Т. 11 № 3-4:41-47

Development of agricultural enterprises in the united territorial communities

Shelenko D., PhD (Economics)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9214-7258
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The functioning and influence of agricultural enterprises in the united territorial communities which takes an important place both at the state and local level has been considered. The main tasks, measures and administrative decisions of the authorities, concerning the development of territorial communities have been singled out.

The positive and negative influence of agricultural enterprises on the development of united territorial communities has been determined.

The purpose of the research is to identify the main concepts and directions for the development of a voluntary united territorial community and the role of agricultural enterprises in this unity on the basis of the analysis of the normative and legal and scientific sources. The task of our research was to consider and define the essence of the voluntarily united territorial community and to form the theoretical and methodological grounds for the creation of agricultural enterprises that are effectively functioning in this territory.

The influence of agricultural enterprises on the development of voluntarily united territorial communities has been singled out. The increase of volumes of production of agricultural output and providing by it communal facilities due to the optimization of the production structure has been substantiated. The employment of the population of territorial communities, its intellectual growth, including the share of qualified work has been shown. The taxes direction of individuals income to the UTCs' budget, which may be used to repaire roads, the maintenance of social institutions, holding fairs and mass holidays.

Solving the problem of balanced development of voluntarily united territorial communities will be favorable for improving the quality of life in the countryside.


voluntary unions, employment, agricultural enterprises, territorial communities, rural unemployment



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Article received 16.08.2018.