Agrarian Economy 2018 Т. 11 № 3-4:119-128

Evolution of the modern scientific picture of the world

Yakimtsov V. , Ph.D., Аssociate рrofessor
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8452-0561
Ukrainian National Forestry University


The article is dedicated to the evolvement of modern scientific picture of the world, its movement from classical to non-classical form. Various pictures are analyzed from the perspective of modern use as a result of their interaction in the form of new coherence i.e. the system that satisfies the scientific research’s requirements. Since the complex systems are object of the study, more and more multilevel, with which it is very difficult or almost impossible to carry out some experiments, mathematical modeling becomes the most important tool of research activity. The benefits of postnonclassical determination of modern science that is called synergetic using, which brings along the confirmation of new world view of world perception, new methodologies of cognition. It also speeds up the disintegration of classical linear model of phenomena, processes, the development of new approaches to the research of modern development processes, the development of alternative, variable decision in search of scientific ideas, hypothesizes etc. The outlook of a person or means of research changes, and possibilities of establishing the truth of knowledge change, a new type of rationality arises on the basis of the principles of the previous one. This article reveals the synergetic view on the modern picture of the world that opens the new era in research not only of technological tasks, but also of socio-economicand ecology research about the problems of improvement of all areas of social development. These are from management at a level of manufacturing unit (echelon) to the big projects of management of social development not only of one country, but also of all countries of the world. Therefore, postnonclassical rationality is a unity of subjective and objective. The categories of subject and object form a system, the elements of which acquire content only in the mutual dependence of each other and on the system as a whole. In this system one can also see the ideal of the spiritual unity of man and the world, proclaimed from ancient times and is today more relevant than ever.


scientific picture of the world, science advancement, scientific cognition, synergy, postnonclassical science



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Article received 25.10.2018.