Agrarian Economy 2018 Т. 11 № 3-4:137-144

Strategic imperatives of management of land resources use by agricultural enterprises

Mykula O., Ph.D., Аssociate рrofessor
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4960-9485
Berezhnytska H.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0908-8665
Lviv National Agrarian University


Efficiency of land resources use is usually studied without any system, with no developed concept of strategic management of land resources use by agricultural enterprises. Thus, it is necessary to determine strategic imperatives of management of land resources use, to define their position in strategic fundamentals generally and to specify strategic measures of such imperatives implementation. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research is supplied by a dialectic method of cognition, a system approach to study economic phenomena and processes, which occur in agricultural production and are connected with use of land as the main production resource of the branch. The research applies abstract and logic method to study the problems of land resources use by agricultural enterprises, to determine indicators of different kinds of efficiency and definite measures for efficiency improvement. Full-scape implementation of strategic imperatives for improvement of efficiency of land resources use by agricultural enterprises will secure rational, highly efficient and ecologically safe use of agricultural lands, protection and growth of its production potential. The carried research is a foundation for development of a strategy of management of efficient land resources use by agricultural enterprises. However, development of such strategy should be based on a deep analysis of the factors of internal and external environment of agricultural enterprise performance, diagnostics of all kinds of efficiency of land resources use. The considered and consolidated strategic alternatives and their detailed description according to strategic measures will enable formation of efficient mechanisms of operative and tactic management of efficient land use in agriculture.


strategic imperatives, land resources, strategic management, efficiency of land resources use



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Article received 10.10.2018.