Agrarian Economy 2019 Т. 12 № 1-2:38-43


Rubai O., PhD, Associate Professor

Lviv National Agrarian University


Finding some ways to improve the financial situation in agriculture is relevant and requires further research. The article presents the main results of research on the search for opportunities to improve the financial support of agricultural enterprises.T he essence and significance of financial support of agricultural enterprises as one of the important levers of maintenance of effective financial and economic activity is substantiated. It was investigated that in the conditions of limited own financial resources, lack of effective mechanisms of financial and credit provision, instability of state policy in the field of financial support, crisis phenomena in the economy, and in the absence of an effective system of financial security management at agricultural enterprises, it has not yet been possible to achieve significant positive results and fundamentally transform sources of financing for agricultural enterprises. It is determined that the provision of financial resources is aimed at guaranteeing the continuity of the process of production of products, the effective influence on the process of expanded reproduction and improving the efficiency of production. Particular attention should be paid to the structure of their sources when forming a sufficient amount of financial resources of agricultural enterprises. The main advantages and disadvantages of using own and borrowed capital by agricultural enterprises are analyzed. The main problem aspects of financial provision of agricultural enterprises of Zhydachiv district in Lviv region are revealed and possible directions of their solution in the modern conditions of management are outlined. In the long term, it is advisable to evaluate the organization of the financial management system and the justification of the interaction of its components to ensure the optimal structure of sources of funding, increase the efficiency of the use of financial resources by agricultural enterprises.


financial support, financial resources, capital, capital structure, efficiency



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Article received 22.03.2019.