Agrarian Economy 2020 Т. 13 № 1-2:101-107

Intellectual capital as the driver of agritourism development in the conditions of bioeconomics

Yavorska O., Ph.D., Associate Professor
Kyiv National Linguistic University


Bioeconomics is examined as a basis of development of a new concept of the economic values of society that causes interest in the agritourism as a perspective direction of organization of entrepreneurial activity in rural locality. The industry of ecoagritourism is one of the sphere of activity that plays an important role in the ecological, social and cultural development of the society. The expediency of agrotourism development in Ukraine is justified by the fact that it can play the role of a catalyst for structural adjustment of the economy, ensure demographic stability and solve urgent environmental and socio-economic problems of the Ukrainian countryside. It is proved that the main determinants of the development of the latest forms of tourism in rural areas and diversification of production and economic activities in rural areas are shaped by the level of intellectual capital of agricultural enterprises. The issue of classification of the agritourism business in the country in the newest conditions taking into account foreign experience is actualized in the article.The role of intellectual capital and its components in the organization of entrepreneurial activity in the field of agritourism in Ukraine is revealed and specified in the work. The author used a set of general and special methods in this article (they were historical and logical method, method of analysis and synthesis, graphic constraction, scientific abstraction). At the construction of the model of capitalization of the tourist potential of rural regions of Ukraine and increase of acuestss of farms in the conditions of bioeconomics, agritourismhas become of great importance and acts as a driver of development of the economy of rural territories acquires in the future. The modernisation of tourist suggestions, innovativeness of creation of tourist products that is able to underline the brand of rural place, at the terms of introduction of ecological agronomical methods, providing collaboration between persons that participate in implementation of activity and application of state-private partnerships can be fulfilled by growing the human, relational and organizational capitals. The study provides results for scientists, economists and experts in the management of intellectual capital of enterprises, corporations and firms.


farms, state support, cooperation, niche crops, sale, diversification



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Article received 25.04.2020.