Agrarian Economy 2021 Т. 14 № 1-2:50-58

Activation of development of the competences of agrarian enterprise’s personal in the context of innovative activities

Maletska O., Candidate of Economics, associate professor
Tsitska N., Candidate of Economics, associate professor
Zhydovska N., Candidate of Economics, associate professor
Lviv National Agrarian University


The issue of formation of a positive agrarian innovation environment is investigated. The direction of innovative activity in agrarian and industrial complex is defined. The classification of innovations according to the main criteria is studied. It is proved that economic innovations at the level of an industrial agricultural enterprise are manifested in the change of forms and methods of current or long-term planning, changes causing reduction in production cost, improvement of the final results of entrepreneurship. At the same time, innovations help to refine the psychological climate in the personnel, reduce fluctuations at the labor market, which inevitably appear along with transformation changes in the economy. The research presents the results of an expert survey on the degree of importance and development of employee competences from the position of innovative development needs. Among the qualitative competences of employees, presented in the questionnaire, experts unequivocally believe that the most important for innovation are the following, particularly high professional competence; ability to convey an innovative idea to the implementation, independence, initiative, activity. The research substantiates accumulation of innovative potential of working population in the village and explains the outflow of innovatively capable personnel of the branches having the best conditions for development and use of their innovative opportunities. The interest of the staff in the innovative transformation of production is conditioned, the support of employees for technical-technological, managerial and organizational changes in structural subdivisions as the most important factors of increase of the competitiveness of produced commodities is realized. The main problematic aspects of formation of the qualitative personnel component of the innovative development of agricultural enterprises are identified and possible directions of their improvement in the modern economic conditions are outlined.


innovations, labor resources, competence, innovative activity, personnel, activation, agrarian enterprise



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