Agrarian Economy 2022 Т. 15 № 1-2: 18-25

Modern management concepts in the period of digitalization

Kovaliv V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2915-9990
Lviv National Environmental University


In management, the speed of decision-making is of crucial importance. Application of modern concepts contributes to better implementation of management principles in practice. The ability to apply knowledge in practice is the way to success in business. The article substantiates the need for modern management tools. It is noted that intuitive management, dominant in the 20th century, is increasingly being substituted with the knowledge-based management. Modern management concepts, such as quality management, benchmarking and others, are applied with involvement of modern technologies. It provides control for production and management process. It aims to speed up the flow of information and make it available. In agriculture, there are many factors hindering automation of the processes. They are associated with data violation and their great diversity and uncertainty, lack of the appropriate sensors and knowledge of processes, the variety of machines and methods of the process implementation. The introduction of automation in agricultural production happens much slower as compared to the automation of other industries. Development of the "Internet of Things" affects the level of compatibility of machines used in technological processes, and the ability to optimize their operation.

The ERP II system, also known as EERP (Extended Enterprise Resource Planning) is the latest solution in business automation. The system is a set of industry applications that generate value for consumers and shareholders by sharing and optimizing processes both within the company and between partner companies. Opening of an enterprise for external partners is connected with the need to exchange the most important information about the general processes.

Modern IT management system is one of the necessary conditions not only for a company development, but primarily for the proper performance of the market. One can do calculations, analyse or summarize online by using the appropriate management systems. Information management is an important element of the success of economic formations.

Development of the modern IT management systems not only improves the ability to make more accurate and appropriate decisions by the company's management, but also positively influences management of the company's affiliations and improves relationships between customers and suppliers.


concepts, management, modern technologies, digitalization



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