Agrarian Economy 2022 Т. 15 № 3-4: 51-58

Circular economy: evolution of the concept

H. Cherevko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0072-5816
Lviv National Environmental University


The purpose of this article is to present the results of the study of the evolution of the essence of the circular economy as an actually possible alternative further path of the economic development of a society in response to the situation of over-tension caused by the human use of the global natural resources. The general methodical approach to conducting research is implemented on the basis of application of the general scientific dialectical method of studying phenomena of an economic nature in combination with the methods of induction, scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, historical and logical, monographic and descriptive. The information for conducting this study was obtained from the publications of foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners who focus their scientific interests on the circular economy, as well as data from official information resources and the results of the author's personal observations.

The studies have shown that the circular economy as an economic category in its development has gone through a rather difficult path of becoming a full-fledged and relevant science, which is based on a completely new philosophy and psychology of the natural resources use in order to meet the needs of economic growth and is completely different from the philosophy and psychology of the traditional linear economy. The essence of the circular economy today is to reduce environmental pollution caused by production waste due to reducing the volume of waste, reusing it and extending its life cycle that will benefit both to enterprises that produce products and consumers of these products. The circular economy, thus, increases the efficiency of resource use and, at the same time, reduces the amount of waste in the context of sustainable development of the economy and society. Considering importance of the content of circular economy and the urgency of its implementation in many countries of the world, it has become not only a concept, but also an effective model of economic development and has been adopted as its official course.


circular economy, linear economy, natural resources, waste



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