Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 1: 3-16


Cherevko I., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8411-6136
Flіak Yu., PhD student
ORCID ID: 0009-0005-1798-6229
Lviv National Environmental University


The purpose of this article is to present the findings of research on the concept of economic security, its components, and the factors that determine its level. To achieve this objective, relevant information was collected and processed, and the results were systematized and generalized to interpret the essence of economic security and identify the factors that shape it. The study also revealed the peculiarities of the state of economic security in Ukraine during the period of russian military aggression and outlined the main directions for increasing its level. The research was based on a general dialectical approach combined with methods such as the unity of the historical and logical in the study of economic phenomena, the descriptive-analytical method, the method of scientific abstraction, and the method of synthesis and generalization of the results obtained during the analysis of the studied phenomena. The scientific approach to the study of the essence of economic security as an economic category was carried out while taking into account the importance of considering it in different fields of the economy since it cannot have the same content at the mega-global (international) level, at the level of the state, region, industry, enterprise, or individual family of a person. According to the majority of definitions, a state as an entity must have a permanent population, sovereign power, a defined territory, criminal enforcement structures, specific legal principles, and the ability to enter into international relations.

Economic security can be defined as the stable absence of external and internal threats that may affect the economy at all levels, from individual to global. It is important to differentiate between the levels because each has its specificities. Security is a state that arises from a particular socio-political and military situation, so the conditions of economic security differ during the periods of peace and war.

Economic security is one of the parameters of state security because state security is an economic problem. The state's economic security status is mainly understood as the state of the economy. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that citizens need a sense of security that would give them a feeling of social belonging, stability, and development. Economic security, therefore, means being free from risk and uncertainty. When the state fails to provide citizens with a sense of basic security, people's willingness to work, study, and develop themselves decreases, and the nation's self-confidence is undermined. The economic security of the state concerns all citizens, and the government's actions should be constantly monitored by public opinion and independent experts.

Today, the main threat to the economic security of several independent states and their enterprises and citizens is russian military aggression in Ukraine. At a national level, the main threats to economic security during the period of hostilities on Ukrainian territory can be categorized as: macroeconomic, financial, investment-innovation, production, foreign economic (including border blockades), social, and food-related. Economic security is also affected by the share of the state treasury and foreign capital in the national economy.

Currently, new global challenges are emerging, primarily related to the instability and tensions caused by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, international terrorism, and the unpredictable policies of authoritarian regimes. These factors significantly increase the aforementioned threats. In each case, the state of the national economy is closely related to the safety of citizens, and vice versa. The existence of economic security for citizens and the state is a necessary condition for the security of both.


economic security, levels of security, determinants of security, Ukraine, war



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