Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 1: 62-69


Dubnevych Yu., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4843-6239
Chechel V., PhD student
ORCID ID: 0009-0004-4044-8907
Lviv National Environment University


The article delves into the process of digitization and its application within territorial communities. It scrutinizes the obstacles hindering digitization, such as disparities in technology access, financial constraints, and cyber security risks. Conversely, it highlights the positive outcomes of digitalization, such as enhanced service accessibility and managerial efficiency.

An exemplar of a "digital" territorial community is provided, underlining the pivotal role of digital transformation in community formation and operation. Additionally, it enumerates the benefits of digital capacity in territorial communities and scrutinizes general challenges associated with establishing and managing digital communities. The article also outlines communities where EGAP pilot programs are underway, aiming to leverage cutting-edge ICT to bolster management quality. While exploring the introduction of digital technologies through territorial communities, it identifies a limiting factor: the communities' incomplete ownership of information resources within their territories. Emphasis is placed on the necessity for legislative measures to solidify interdepartmental digital information exchange and equalize the role of local self-governing bodies in this process.

Furthermore, the article addresses other digitalization challenges, such as the use of undocumented data formats and the absence of standardized classifiers, significantly impeding citizen access and the utilization of automated data processing systems.

Conclusions drawn regarding the prospects and risks of digitalization implementation encompass improved service accessibility, efficiency, transparency, and the development of digital infrastructure. Conversely, issues such as access inequality, cyber security, financial burdens, and socio-cultural considerations are highlighted. The authors thoroughly examined various approaches to bolstering the preparedness of territorial communities in Ukraine and mitigating citizens' digital inequality.


territorial community; digital capacity; digitalization



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