Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 1: 78-92


Bezhenar I., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), senior researcher
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4584-9062
National Scientific Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"


The article studies the development of farms from the early 1990s to 2022. During this time, the number of farms increased significantly, reaching 49,000 in 2022. There has been a positive trend of growth in production volumes and productivity in this category of enterprises. In 2021, the total volume of agricultural products showed high indicators, increasing by UAH 523 689 million compared to 2019. The article analyzes the main production indicators of farms, including sown areas and harvesting, which demonstrate the dynamics of their operation.

The research examines the dynamics of cop and livestock production by farms, taking into account different stages of development and changes in political and economic conditions. It notes that farmers play an important role in supplying the domestic market and in exports. The article analyzes the reasons for the decline in production in 2022, including military action, occupation, logistical difficulties, instability, changes in weather conditions, and other factors.

The paper also examines the structure of farms by their area and role in the formation of agricultural products. It considers various aspects of farm management, including the specifics of size, technology, and productivity. The majority of farms specialize in crop production, particularly the cultivation of grain and oil crops, similar to agricultural enterprises.

The article emphasizes the importance of the development of farms in ensuring production in the domestic market and active participation in exports. Despite the difficulties they face, there has been a positive trend towards an increase in the gross production of agricultural products by farms over the past ten years.


farms, development trends, economic factors, production volumes, agricultural products



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