Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 1: 103-112


Lunkina T., Doctor of Economic Sciences, associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7252-3239
Dranus L., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6427-1315
Dranus V., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5617-6740
Smetana A., student
ORCID ID: 0009-0001-7080-7681
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University


The article highlights the importance of clarifying the export-oriented strategy of the modern IT sector. The IT sector is a highly promising and dynamic sector of the economy that drives innovation, competitiveness, and integration into the world market. A successful strategy is crucial for effective management, and exports are one of the essential macroeconomic indicators. Recent years have shown consistently high growth rates in the IT industry in Ukraine, even amidst a full-scale war. The sector achieved a new record in terms of export revenues, making it the only sector of the economy that demonstrated positive dynamics. Ukraine solidifies its position as one of Europe's foremost IT powerhouses, boasting a considerable talent pool and robust export capabilities. Currently, it leads the charge in service exports, constituting over 5% of the nation's GDP. The article provides examples of strategies for increasing the global competitiveness of IT exports in different countries. Each strategy reflects the specific strengths and goals of the country, contributing to its success in further development. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, current market trends, and prospects, general recommendations for developing the IT sector in Ukraine have been proposed. The review of export-oriented strategies of the global IT sector revealed a wide variety of strategies used by countries in the IT sector. These strategies, inextricably linked to economic maturity, historical experience, human capital potential, and regulatory frameworks, encapsulate a spectrum of methodologies. Nevertheless, a unifying thread emerges: the imperative of skills development. Indeed, investing in human capital emerges as a linchpin for sustained success across all IT export strategies. The cultivation of a skilled workforce, adept at navigating technological frontiers, remains pivotal.


IT technologies, export-oriented strategy, export industries, export market



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