Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 1: 121-128


Verzun A., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4078-237X
Ahres O., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3398-0933
Voinycha L., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8079-0289
Lviv National Environmental University


The financial potential of agricultural enterprises is a crucial aspect of their successful development in today's dynamic and competitive market. It refers to the total financial resources of the enterprise, including their formation and recovery possibilities.

Effective allocation of financial resources is essential for achieving strategic goals, ensuring sustainable growth, and enhancing competitiveness. To analyze the efficient use of financial resources by agricultural enterprises, various indicators such as financial stability, business activity, profitability, and liquidity are considered.

The agro-industrial complex of Lviv region has a fairly high level of these indicators, and the year 2021 was a profitable one for the agricultural enterprises in the region. The farmers of Lviv region ran their businesses successfully, thanks to favorable weather conditions, high prices for agricultural products, and state support. However, the large-scale invasion that began in 2022 has caused harm to the activities of agricultural enterprises.

Despite the difficulties and risks, the agricultural enterprises of Lviv region are continuing their work to ensure food security for the region. To address the significant worsening of the formation and decrease in the effectiveness of the financial potential use caused by external factors, there's a need to reconsider the approaches to the management of financial resources of agricultural enterprises. It's essential to introduce new technologies, search for expanded markets, adjust logistics routes, and explore funding options for economic activities that focus on increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products according to the current reality. This will ultimately drive the prospects for the development of the agricultural sector of the region.


agricultural sector, financial potential, assessment of the financial conditions, risks, challenges



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