Agrarian Economy 2024 Т. 17 № 1: 145-153


Mykhaliuk N., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5125-7872
Binert O., Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5436-0106
Kolodii I., PhD, acting associate professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0142-6815
Lviv National Environmental University


This research paper focuses on the concepts of «leader» and «business planning» and how they relate to enterprise management. The study examines the prerequisites for planning a system for leadership development in the context of changes in the field of planning and enterprise management.

The study explores the direct correlation between the level of development, basic skills, and traits necessary for a leader to compile, manage, and implement modern enterprise business plans. It identifies the main competencies that leaders should possess, as well as their role in creating and implementing business plans of enterprises.

The research highlights the principles of leadership as a management phenomenon and a form of activity focused on the relationship between a leader and his/her team at an enterprise. It also emphasizes the importance of the mutual influence of the leader and the team on the development and implementation of business plans of enterprises.

Moreover, the research paper examines the impact of managerial leadership, its role in the development process of each enterprise, and how it helps achieve common goals through interpersonal communication and interaction in the team. It also touches upon the transformation of the characteristics of the production unit composition, based on the degree and quality of influence on enterprise staff and internal production processes.

The research underscores the importance of an effective management planning system at an enterprise, which promotes stability and order by solving various tasks related to production, service provision, and enterprise performance. It further highlights how concepts like leadership and business planning are closely related to the management process at an enterprise.

Finally, the article emphasizes that effective leadership and managers who can motivate, positively influence, and lead other employees are essential in realizing the importance of enterprise planning, motivation, and control, and achieving positive results.


business, leader, planning, influencing factors, business plan, leadership



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